Holiday Lights in TVN

Homeowners in Timberline Valley North Subdivision are always encouraged to share beautiful lights at this time of the year to spread joy and cheer! Many in the community like to drive through and enjoy the displays. Previously, the HOA has has used budgeted funds to provide giftcards or other tokens of appreciation for outstanding lighting/decoration displays. This year the board has decided to go a little different route to thank and recognize those adding a little additional joy to the subdivision! 

This year, homeowners do not need to be nominated or submit a form. A select group of HOA residents will go around between December 20th and December 22nd to see who has decorated and shared some fabulous lights and/or decorations for the community to view! A few select residences voted on by the “holiday decorating committee” will receive a token of appreciation donated by a local retailer in recognition of their efforts. No HOA funds will be used for the “mini-awards.”

HOA board members are not eligible to win, but are still participating in decorating! The board encourages everyone to light up the subdivision by decorating in celebration of the many different religious and non-religious holidays during this time of the year. We look forward to seeing your decorations and lights!