Christmas Tree Recycling in C-U

Holiday Tree Collection

The City of Champaign’s Holiday Tree Collection Program collection date has been set as Monday, January 9, 2023.  This free collection program is available to all residential properties within the City’s corporate limits. 

•     City residents must place their tree within four feet of the curb by 6 a.m. on Monday, January 9, 2023, for collection.

•     Collected trees are chipped and made into garden mulch.

•     Trees with stands, decorations, tinsel, lights, artificial snow/frost, plastic bags, garland or any other materials that make the trees non-recyclable will not be collected.

•     Residents may take trees to the Landscape Recycling Center at 1210 E. University Avenue in Urbana for free disposal during the months of January and February.

Please note that Holiday trees will not be collected by zone.  ALL trees must be placed on the curb for pickup by 6 a.m. on January 9, 2023.  Pickup is weather dependent, but trees will get picked up as quickly as possible.

The City would like to thank residents who participate in yard waste collection programs.  To receive information about future events, please sign up at the City’s website,